Invited lectures
“Digital and Not-So Digital Approaches to Loss of Medieval Literature ,” an invited keynote lecture at the Journées des Cluster 5b et Cluster 7 de Biblissima+, Lyon, France, 11/2024.
“Digital Approaches to Loss of Medieval Literature,” an invited lecture, University of Bern, Switzerland, 10/2024.
[Slides & Transcript: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14182601]
“Medievalist in the Loop: Putting the Humanities back into the Digital Humanities,” the opening keynote lecture at the DH Benelux conference, KU Leuven, Belgium, 06/2024.
[Slides & Transcript: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14182983]
“Lost But Not Forgotten: The Saga of Hrómundur and Its Manuscript Transmission,” an invited lecture, University College London, England, 05/2024.
“Researching Manuscripts Through Encoding: Digital Turn in Manuscript Studies,” an invited lecture, University of Leeds, England, 05/2023.
“In Need of Sources: Reinventing Legendary Sagas in Early Modern Scandinavia,” an invited lecture, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 03/2023.
“Digital reconstruction of Thormodus Torfæus’ library,” an invited lecture, Charles University, Prague, Czechia, 02/2023.
“Early Modern Nordic Antiquarianism and the Preservation of Old Norse Literature,” an invited lecture, Selskab for Nordisk Filologi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 12/2022.
“Digital Old Norse Philology, or Some Perspectives on Saga Scholarship in the Digital Age,” an invited lecture, Uppsala University, Sweden, 09/2022.
“Thormodus Torfæus and His Collection of Old Norse Texts,” an invited lecture at the Old Norse Research Seminar, University of Oxford, England, 05/2022.
“Collecting and Annotating Old Norse Texts: On the Library of Thormodus Torfæus,” an invited lecture at the Medieval English Research Seminar, University of Oxford, England, 02/2022.
“Tysiąc lat Hrómunda na północy: od średniowiecznego prosimetrum do viking metalu,” an invited lecture at the Centre for Nordic and Old English Studies at the University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland (online), 04/2021.
Watch the presentation (in Polish) here.
“Computer-assisted Methods of Revealing Relationships Among Manuscript-transmitted Texts,” an invited lecture at the DH Lunch at the Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland (online), 11/2020.
“When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia:Transmission and Reception of Legendary Sagas in Early-Modern Scandinavia,” an invited lecture at the Center for Medieval Studies at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik (Iceland), 11/2019.
Conference and seminar presentations (since 2016)
“Lost & Not-So Lost Romances of Medieval Iceland,” a conference presentation at the LostMA inaugural conference, École nationale des chartes - PSL University, France, 05/2024.
“Conversions, conversions, conversions: DIY of digital scholarly editing & data extraction,” a seminar presentation at DiSc, University of Oxford, England, 01/2024.
“Networks and Clusters: Digital Analysis of Manuscripts' Physical Features,” a conference presentation at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, UK, 07/2023 - session co-organiser, refereed.
[Slides & Transcript: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14228199]
“Priceless or Valueless: Fragments in the Arnamagnæan Collection,” a seminar presentation at the Cultures of Use and Reuse workshop, University of Oxford, UK, 04/2023 - invited.
“Rethinking the Stemma: Material-philological & Transmission-historical Perspective,” a seminar presentation at the Prague Medieval DH Storming, Charles University, Prague, Czechia, 02/2023 - invited.
“Translating Old Norse sagas at the Danish court in the late seventeenth century,” a seminar presentation at the Translating the Middle Ages seminar, University of Oxford, UK, 12/2022 - invited.
“Representing the Instability of Early Modern Nordic Manuscripts in the Digital Domain,” a seminar presentation at the Centenary Colloquium of the Oxford Bibliographical Society, Oxford, UK, 09/2022 - invited.
“Old Norse Transcription Challenge: Crowdsourcing & Global Community Building for Old Norse scholarship,” a roundtable presentation at the TextVid Øresund workshop, Lund University, Sweden 09/2022 - organiser.
“Between Text Boundaries and Quire Boundaries: Production of Old Norse Literature in the Early Modern Period," a conference presentation at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, UK, 07/2022 - session organiser, refereed.
[Slides & Transcript: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7412115]
“One Encoding, Many Outputs: Digital Editions and Their Applications as Data Sources,” a presentation at the Digital Editions Community of Practice, Taylor Institution, Oxford, UK, 06/2022 - invited.
“Work in Progress: Torfæus’s Series dynastarum et regum Daniæ Between Manuscript and Print,” a conference presentation at the Manuscript, Print and the Regional Languages of Early Modern Europe, Føroya Landsbókasavn, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, 05/2022 - refereed.
“New Edition of Hrómundar sögur Greipssonar,” a seminar presentation at the Textvid Øresund Workshop, Höör, Sweden, 12/2021 - organiser.
(with N. Kıvılcım Yavuz) “Next-Gen Manuscript Descriptions: A Case for the Reconsideration of the Manuscript Description Module of the TEI Guidelines,” a conference presentation at the Annual TEI Conference and Members’ Meeting (online), 10/2021 - refereed. Watch the presentation here. [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5748464]
“Netværksanalyse og andre digitale metoder i håndskriftstudier,” at the seminar “Tekstvidenskab i stor skala, workshop i forskergruppen Tekstvidenskab,” University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 08/2021 - invited.
“Virtual Library of Torfæus: Reconstructing the Dispersed Manuscripts of Old Norse Texts,” at the International Medieval Congress 2021, University of Leeds, UK (online), 07/2021 - session organiser.
“Reconstructing the Dispersed Collection of Manuscripts Owned by the Danish Royal Historiographer Thormodus Torfæus,” at the 18th seminar on Care and Conservation of manuscripts, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (online), 04/2021 – refereed. Watch the presentation here.
“So Much Data, So Few Answers: Researching Nordic Manuscripts in the Digital Age,” at the seminar Northern Europe 1200-1500 CE: West Norse and East Norse Manuscripts in the Digital Age, TextWorlds Seminar Series, Uppsala, Sweden (online), 03/2021 – invited. Watch the presentation here.
“Writing Histories – Exhibition Presentation,” at the Virtual Seminar of the HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the Danish-Icelandic Reception of Nordic Antiquity, 02/2021 - organiser.
(with D. Kedwards) “Paired Objects – Exhibition Presentation,” at the Virtual Seminar of the HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the Danish-Icelandic Reception of Nordic Antiquity, 02/2021 - organiser.
“From Oral Prosimetrum to Viking Metal: Reception of Old Norse legendary sagas in Scandinavia from the Middle Ages until Today” at the international conference “Using the Past: The Middle Ages in the Spotlight”, Batalha, Portugal (online) 12/2020 - refereed. Watch the presentation here.
“A Saga in a Network and a Network of a Saga” at the Networks of Manuscripts, Networks of Texts conference, Amsterdam (online), 10/2020 - refereed. Watch the presentation here.
“Digital Catalogs & Analog Data: Cataloging Nordic Manuscripts” at the 12th Annual Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age - Hooking Up, Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (USA), 11/2019 - invited. Watch the presentation here.
“Hrómundar saga Greipssonar: Transmission History of a Lost Medieval Saga” an invited lecture at a research seminar organised by Selskab for Nordisk Filologi, Copenhagen (Denmark), 10/2019 - invited.
“Writing Histories: Legendary Sagas and Early-Modern Danish Historiography” a poster presentation at the 2nd workshop of the Network of Early Career Researchers in Old Norse, Bergen (Norway) 10/2019 - refereed.
“Same Manuscript, Different Reading: The Making and Remaking of a Saga Book” at the International Medieval Congress 2019, University of Leeds (UK), 07/2019 - refereed.
“A Medieval Lost Saga Found in Nineteenth-century Manuscripts?” at the 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI (USA), 05/2019 - refereed.
“Digital Cataloguing of Manuscripts as Artefacts and Quantitative Analysis of Manuscript Descriptions” at the 94th Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (USA), 03/2019 - refereed.
“Computer Assisted Stemmatics in Material-Philological Transmission Studies” at the seminar Perspectives on textual scholarship and editorial practice, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), 01/2019 - invited.
“Revealing Relationships Between Old Norse Texts Using Computer-Assisted Methods” at the CLARIN Annual Conference, Piza (Italy), 10/2018 - refereed.
“Between Transmission and Reception: Lost Sagas and Their Early-Modern Adaptations” at the 17th international saga conference, Reykjavik (Iceland), 08/2018 - refereed.
“Dating Post-Medieval Icelandic Manuscripts Based on Watermarks” at the 17th Care and Conservation of manuscripts, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), 04/2017 - refereed.
“XML-Based Manuscript Transcriptions as a Basis of Auto-Generated Stemmas” at the seminar “Perspectives on Online Text Databases and Corpus Projects,” Lund University (Sweden), 10/2017 - invited.
(with A. S. Kjeldsen) “Ongoing Database and Corpus projects at the Arnamagnæan Institute” at the seminar “Perspectives on Online Text Databases and Corpus Projects,” Lund University (Sweden), 10/2017 - invited.
“What Do We Know About All the Versions of the Deeds of Hrómundur Gr(e)ipsson?,” a poster presentation at the inaugural workshop of the Network of Early Career Researchers in Old Norse “Trends and Challenges in Early Career Scholarship,” University of Copenhagen (Denmark), 10/2017 - refereed.
“Digital Approaches Towards Explorations of Textual Variation in the Manuscripts Preserving Hrómundar saga Gripssonar,” a poster presentation at the “manuSciences’17,” Fréjus (France), 09/2017 - refereed.
“Network Analysis of the Manuscript Context of Old Icelandic literature,” a conference presentation at the Annual Digital Humanities Conference, Montréal (Canada), 08/2017 - refereed.
“The Early Transmission of Hrómundar saga Gripssonar,” a conference presentation at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds (UK), 06/2017 - refereed.
(with T.J. Wills and T. Rowbotham) “Visualising Genre Relationships in Icelandic Manuscripts,” a conference presentation at the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries, Gothenburg (Sweden), 03/2017 - refereed.
“Re-Approaching New Stemmatics: Choice of Relationship Revealing Readings for Cladistic Analysis,” a conference presentation at the International Digital Humanities Symposium, Växjö (Sweden), 11/2016 - refereed.
“Hrómundar saga Gripssonar: Its Origin and Transmission,” a presentation at the Summer School in Textual Criticism, Ferrara (Italy), 07/2016 - refereed.