Christmas came early this year with two of my articles on the transmission history of Hrómundar saga appearing in print in Gripla and in the special issue of Opuscula (Hidden Harmonies: Manuscript and print on the North Atlantic fringe). Finally I got my hands on hard copies of both.

You can find my articles in Open Access below:
“Hrómundur in prose and verse: On the relationships between four versions of the story of Hrómundur Greipsson.” Gripla 32 (2021), pp. 257–288, Download.
“Manuscripts derived from printed editions in the transmission history of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar.” Hidden Harmonies: Manuscript and print on the North Atlantic fringe, 1500-1900, edited by M. J. Driscoll and Nioclás Mac Cathmhaoil (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum 2021), pp. 79–114, Download.