Science: Author Explanation Video
Here you can watch our author explanation video accompanying our 2022 Science paper "Forgotten books: the application of unseen species models to the survival of culture."
Visit our project's website for more details: forgotten-books.netlify.app
Guest in a podcast, Kraniebrud, Radio 4 (Danish, 12/07/2022 @26:40) https://www.radio4.dk/program/kraniebrud/?gid=38441&title=kraniebrud-i-reykjavik
Guest in a podcast, Gone Medieval, History Hit (English, 26/03/2022) https://shows.acast.com/gone-medieval/episodes/lost-manuscripts-where-are-they-now
Guest in a podcast, BBC Science in Action (English, 17/02/2022 @22:36) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct1l51
Newspapers and Magazines (selection)
Magazine interview, “Zaginione opowieści” Tygodnik Powszechny (Polish, 18/03/2022).
Magazine interview, “How much medieval literature has been lost?” Scientific American (English, 08/03/2022).
Newspaper interview, “Tale of King Arthur was a rare survivor,” The Times (English, 18/02/2022).
Newspaper interview, “Historikere tager nu utraditionelle metoder i brug,” Politiken (Danish, 18/02/2022).
Newspaper interview, “Historiker får støtte til projekt om verdens første sagaforsker," Kristeligt Dagblad (Danish, 15/02/2021).
Newsletters (selection)
Everyone has heard of King Arthur, but 90% of medieval manuscripts of chivalry and heroism have been lost, confirms new research - news in English on the University of Oxford webpage about the "Forgotten Books" project.
Tabt kulturarv kan nu opgøres på samme måde som biologiske arter - news in Danish on the Carlsberg foundation webpage about the "Forgotten Books" project.
Taler islandske sagaer sandt? - news in Danish on the Carlsberg foundation webpage about the first research results of Writing (Hi)stories project.
H.M. Dronning Margrethe overrakte Carlsbergfondet-stipendier - news in Danish on the Carlsberg foundation webpage about HM Queen Margrethe II fellowships.
Studying ancient collective Icelandic and Danish roots - news in English on the Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum webpage about HM Queen Margrethe II fellowships.
Rannsaka sameiginlegar fornnorrænar rætur Íslands og Danmerkur - news in Icelandic on ton the Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum webpage about HM Queen Margrethe II fellowships.
Afhending tveggja nýdoktorastyrkja - news in Icelandic on the National Museum of Iceland webpage about HM Queen Margrethe II fellowships.
TwitterMoments - series of tweets from Writing (Hi)stories project.
Virtual Exhibition: Reception and Reinvention: Old Norse in Time and Space
The Writing Histories Exhibition This exhibition explores the beginnings of the scholarly reception of Old Norse-Icelandic literature in Denmark in the seventeenth century, when the authority of Saxo Grammaticus and his Gesta Danorum became increasingly challenged by the rediscovery of Old Norse-Icelandic sources. With this scholarly rediscovery previously forgotten sagas gained new life as they were revitalised or reinvented by early modern antiquarians. VISIT THE EXHIBIT
The Paired Objects Exhibition This exhibition presents a gallery of paired objects from the Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark, and the National Museum of Iceland. By pairing items between these two collections, we explore the relationships between medieval traditions and the later artworks they inspired. VISIT THE EXHIBIT
Celebrating 100 years of Icelandic independence
Two research grants were handed out by HM Queen of Denmark Margrethe II during the ceremony hosted at the University of Iceland on 1 December 2018. Katarzyna Anna Kapitan and Dale Kedwards were grant recipients.
See Hátíðardagskrá í Veröld [@51:11] published on the University of Iceland's official YouTube channel.