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Awards and Fellowships


Carlsberg Foundation Visiting Fellowships at the University of Oxford, a two-year internationalisation fellowship for the Virtual Library of Torfæus project from the Carlsberg Foundation (Denmark). Awarded in 2020. Grant number CF20-225. Total: 700.000 DKK (ca. 94.000 EUR).

Internationalisation Postdoc, a two-year internationalisation fellowship for the Virtual Library of Torfæus project from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. Awarded in 2020, declined due to the overlap with the Carlsberg Foundation Visiting Fellowships at the University of Oxford. Total: 1.370.000 DKK (ca. 184.000 EUR).

HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the Danish-Icelandic reception of Nordic antiquity, a two-year research fellowship for Writing histories project from the Carlsberg Foundation, (Denmark). Awarded in 2018. Grant number CF18-500. Total: 1.308.000 DKK (ca. 175.000 EUR).


Three-year research fellowship for doctoral studies in Nordic philology at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). Awarded in 2015. Total: ca. 1.050.000 DKK (ca. 148.000 EUR).


One-year study grant from the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture (Íslenska mennta- & menningarmálaráðuneytið) for studies in Medieval Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland (Iceland). Awarded in 2012. Total: 1.368.000 ISK (ca. 11.000 EUR).

Award from the University of Wrocław for publication of MA-thesis as a monograph (Poland). Awarded in 2012.

Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education fellowship for outstanding scholarly achievements of doctoral students (Stypendium ministra za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe dla doktorantów) at the University of Wrocław (Poland). Only 5% of best doctoral students can apply for this fellowship. Awarded in 2012.

University of Wrocław Provost's fellowship for outstanding doctoral students (Stypendium rektora dla najlepszych studentów). Only 7% of best doctoral students can apply for this fellowship. Awarded in 2012.

Four-year study grant from the University of Wrocław for doctoral studies (Stypendium doktoranckie) in history. Awarded in 2011.

University of Wrocław Provost's fellowship for good acedemic results of students (Stypendium rektora dla studentów) (Poland). Awarded in yesrs 2010 and 2011.


Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education fellowship for outstanding scholarly achievements of  students (Stypendium ministra za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe dla studentów) at the University of Zielona Góra (Poland). Awarded in 2010.


Yearly scholarship from the University of Zielona for good acedemic results (Stypendium za osiągnięcia naukowe) (Poland). Awarded in 2007, 2008, and 2009.


Collaborative Grants (since 2015)

Grant from Einar Hansens Allhemsstiftelse & Einar Hansens Forskningsfond for establishing the TextVid Øresund, a scholarly network for textual scholars based in the Øresund arear, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) & Lund University (Sweden), with E. Göranson. Awarded in 2020. Total: 240.000 SEK (ca. 20.000 EUR).

Publication grant from the Arnamagnæan Commission and Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen for publication of "From Text to Artefact" with B. Stegmann and S. Vrieland. Awarded 2019. Total: 40.000 DKK (ca. 5.300 EUR) 

Grant from Letterstedtska Föreningen (Sweden) for organising the seminar "Perspectives on textual scholarship and editorial practice" held at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), with M. Driscoll & K. G. Rasmussen. Awarded in 2018. Total: 15.000 SEK (ca. 1.300 EUR)  to match 20.000 DKK (ca. 2.600 EUR) from the University of Copenhagen.


Grant from Clara Lachmanns Stiftelse (Sweden) for organisation of the conference "Trends and challenges in early career scholarship." The inaugural event of the Network of Early Career Researchers in Old Norse at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), with with L. J. Murphy, H. Leslie-Jacobsen, S. Nygaard. Awarded in 2017.

Smaller Grants and Bursaries (since 2015)

Travel grant from Linacre College to cover expenses associated with participation in academic conferences. Awarded 2022. Total: 1000 GBP (ca. 1100 EUR). 

Travel grant from CLARIN (EU) for participation in the annual conference in Piza (Italy). Awarded in 2018.


Travel grant from Erasmus+ (EU) for Teaching Mobility at the University of Iceland (Iceland). Awarded in 2018.


Travel grant from Oticon Fonden now called William Demant Fonden (Denmark), for participation in the manuSciences’17 summer school in Fréjus (France). Awarded in 2017.


Travel grant from Digital Humaniora i Norden organisation for participation in the annual conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries, Gothenburg (Sweden). Awarded in 2017.


Travel grant from Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations for participation in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in Victoria B.C. (Canada). Awarded in 2017.


Travel grant from Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations for participation in annual DH conference in Montréal (Canada). Awarded in 2017.

Research grant from Letterstedtska Föreningen for research at the Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm (Sweden). Awarded in 2017.

Travel grant from Martin Levys Legat (Denmark), for participation in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (Canada). Awarded in 2016.


Tuition bursary from the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (Canada). Awarded in 2016.

Research grant from Svend Grundtvigs & Axel Olriks legat (Denmark), for research at the Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm (Sweden). Awarded in 2016.


Electronic Textual Cultures Lab Scholarship (Canada), for participation in the European Summer University in Digital Humanities in Leipzig (Germany). Awarded in 2016.


Travel grant from Oticon Fonden (Denmark), for participation in the Summer School in Textual Criticism in Ferrara (Italy). Awarded in 2016.


Travel grant from Erasmus+ for Teaching Mobility at the University of Iceland (Iceland). Awarded in 2016.


Research grant from Julie von Müllen Fond (Denmark) awarded by The Royal Academy (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab), for research stay at the Stofnun Árna Magnuússonar í íslenskum fræðum (Iceland). Awarded in 2015.


Research grant from Niels Bohr Fondet (Denmark) awarded by The Royal Academy (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab), for research stay at the Landsbókasafn Íslands (Iceland). Awarded in 2015.


Travel grant from Professor Ludvig Wimmer & Hustrus Legat (Denmark) for participation in the DHSI (Canada). Awarded in 2015.


Tuition bursary from the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (Canada). Awarded in 2015.

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